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Warner Bros Studio Tour

Our Muggle Magic Group of our members have just been on an exciting trip to Harry Potter World! I spoke with a few members to get their comments on the outing;

I spoke with Fran, a Slytherin, who said her favourite part was seeing the scary magical creatures from the Basilisk to the giant spider Aragog.
Nicholas, a Gryffindor, said that he really liked seeing all of the different costumes on display from all of the films, but he jumped when he saw the big spiders!
Claire, a Ravenclaw said that she enjoyed seeing the props from the films and Buckbeak the Hippogriff.
I spoke with Nicola, another Gryffindor, who said that her favourite part of the trip was drinking the Butterbeer.
Leah, also a Gryffindor, said that her favourite part was seeing the real Hogwarts Express, but she was also scared by the spiders in the forbidden forest.
Another Gryffindor, Lauren, said that her favourite part was drinking hot chocolate at the Chocolate Frog Café and seeing Hedwig.
Lastly, I communicated with JJ, a Slytherin. Who indicated his favourite part was seeing all the different magical creatures

We would like to thank Warner Brothers Studios for showing our members around and building their confidence for more days out!