
Member’s Stories

  • Alan

    Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

    Alan was previously volunteering at work placement for a number of years, but wanted to come out of his comfort zone and try a new challenge with a placement at a charity shop. We were able to support Alan with building the confidence to do this and with finding a suitable work placement.

  • Stefan

    Taking Part in Work, Volunteering, or Training

    Stefan has been working at Opening Doors as a cleaner since 2018, where he works one evening a week. Stefan’s job involves vacuum cleaning, dusting, mopping, emptying bins and replenishing bin bags, as well as cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen.

  • Shane

    Managing Money

    Shane has learnt to budget the money he spends in the local shop. Rather than going to the shop every day Shane gets drinks and healthy snacks at the start of the week to last throughout the week. This has helped Shane budget as well as supported him to be healthier with eating and drinking.

  • Louise

    Building Daily Living Skills

    Louise moved out of the family home and into one of the Assist Trust properties last year with two friends from Assist. Louise has been able to use the skills that she has learnt in cooking groups and put them to good use at home.

  • Josh

    Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

    Josh has enjoyed trying new things, such as working as part of a team with other members to maintain Mousehold Heath. Since attending Assist, Josh has coped well with problems and has enjoyed trying new things!

  • Claire

    Assist Trust timetable and work

    “When we talk about the timetable, I pick the things I like and the things that make me happy, like Zumba, yoga, health eating at the Gardens and dog walking. I tidied the kitchen up, it makes me feel happy.

    I do two work placements, one at the school and one at the Phoenix Centre, I’m learning about work”

  • Thomas

    Work experience at the Farmyard Restaurant

    "I have really enjoyed working at Farmyard. Everyone who works here is very friendly. I have felt like part of the team since I started."

  • Simon

    Working at the Assist Café

    “I worked in the cafe on a Wednesday, we went by bus. I helped set up the urn, serving customers and wiping tables.

    I like helping people, I would smile and be polite. It's change over so I must wait my turn to go again, I would like to go again I really enjoy the cafe.”