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The Assist Trust Drama Group’s Production of Romeo and Juliet

‘All the world’s a stage/And all the men and women merely Players’

During the summer, Lazar House was alive with the sounds of laughter, Shakespearean verse, and sword fighting as the Drama group rehearsed for their production of Romeo and Juliet. In the early weeks of the time table, the group members discussed staging a performance of a play and ultimately settled on the immortal tragedy thanks in large part to its mixture of romance and sword fighting. After some research into previous adaptations (including Bar Lurhmann’s 1996 distinctive interpretation which was not to everyone’s taste) the members were ready to begin to produce their own script.

The group identified the main beats of the play and assembled a script which incorporated simple language translations as well as retaining some of the original Shakespeare. This made a script which is both accessible and authentic.

‘We few, we happy few’

The roles were divvied up amongst the group members and soon all the members came together to learn new skills and their lines. The group learned the principles of staging a scene and they had a lot of fun in rehearsals especially the sword fighting. All the members made the parts their own by adding to the script and showcasing their sense of humour. Paul, the actor playing Romeo, learned how to waltz and really enjoyed teaching the rest of the group the steps for the important ball room scene.

‘The play’s the thing’

As well as the enthusiastic contribution from the members, the production benefitted hugely from the experience of the two staff members running the group. Gerry has lots of experience in running drama groups for people with learning disabilities and was able to being all his experience to bear here.

It was a fabulous group effort. The idea of Romeo and Juliet emerged from the members and they worked really hard to improvise what became the final script

Lisa has a real skill for creating props and an understanding of how to stage a fight which added to the excitement of the performance. Their support, energy, and encouragement made sure that the production kept rolling along all the way to completion.

Members’ enthusiasm for the project blew me away. From learning lines , bringing in costumes and props, to learning sword play and dancing the waltz. Top job done by all

‘If we shadows have offended,/Think but this and all is mended,/That you have but slumbered here/While these visions did appear’

The play’s finished, the group is in the archives now and all that is left to do is to watch the performance. Wet really hope you enjoy it. The members’ talent and enthusiasm really shinse through and this is a production which everyone is very proud of.