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Spotlight on Hannah’s work experience placement

Here’s our latest work placement volunteers story from Hannah, who volunteers at the Phoenix Tiny Tots toddler group.

What do you think of your placement?
“Brilliant, I enjoy looking after the children and being independent to get there and back”.

What’s your favourite thing about your placement?
“Working with the children. We have a different theme each week, water, sand, bubbles and music. I like music week and song time is my favourite part”. 

What are you proud of?
“Proud of walking there myself after I got travel trained from my house there. Julie and Gemma use to meet me at my house and train me to my placement, but not anymore as I’ve been signed off and travel independently”.

Is there anything else you would like us to know about your placement?
“I now have a uniform. It has the Phoenix Centre logo on it, that makes me feel like a proper volunteer”.